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GC Impreceed Alginate Powder Impression Material

GC Impreceed Alginate Powder Impression Material

Regular price Rs. 250.00
Regular price Rs. 450.00 Sale price Rs. 250.00
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GC Impreceed Alginate Powder Impression Material is a high-precision, non-chromatic alginate designed for detailed dental impressions. Its dust-free formulation enhances user experience, allowing for quick and easy mixing.

With a normal working and setting time, Impreceed is ideal for creating removable prostheses, study models, and antagonists for both fixed and removable applications. The material exhibits rapid water absorption, resulting in a smooth, bubble-free mix within 20 seconds.

GC Impreceed provides excellent dimensional stability and elastic properties, ensuring accurate reproduction of dental anatomy. Impressions can be stored for an extended period before pouring casts, making it a convenient choice for dental professionals. The setting times may vary based on water temperature and quality.

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